exclusiv prin SITEX!


Gazduire in Cloud

Sisteme superioare de virtualizare si redundanta pentru cluster de servere.

CDN - Retea globala de servere

Distributie de continut din cel mai apropiat loc de pe glob pt. viteza sporita

WP Cahed

Solutii de cache optimizate pentru scalabilitate si viteza imbunatatita.


Support profesional sustinut de experti in web-design, hosting si optimizare.


Automatizat si redundant pentru protectia datelor tale

Certificat SSL

Protejarea datelor prin utilizarea de certificate SSL cu cheie de criptare

Software Optimizat

Viteza este importanta. Folosim doar solutiile de ultima generatie


Esti protejat prin multiple puncte de verificare. Blocam zilnic mii de atacuri

Satisfactie 100% garantata

Daca nu esti multumit de serviciile primite, ai 30 zile sa te razgandesti

1. Your satisfaction is our top priority and we're confident you'll be pleased with our services. Still, if you try us and decide your account does not sufficiently meet your needs, you can cancel within 30 days for a refund. Refunds are available for hosting services only. The money-back guarantee does not apply on domain names and management credits that were successfully used, given the unique nature of their costs.

2. We can migrate your existing website to our cloud infrastructure, free of charge. This can take up to 5 working days.

4. The promotional price is for the first month only and plans renew at the regular rate.

5. When transferring your website to WordPressXP, we will reimburse the remaining months from your old contract. Eg. if you still have 3 months left with your old contract, you get 3 months free with WordPressXP. This applies on WP PROFESSIONAL plan, up to 6 months.

1. Your satisfaction is our top priority and we're confident you'll be pleased with our services. Still, if you try us and decide your account does not sufficiently meet your needs, you can cancel within 30 days for a refund. Refunds are available for hosting services only. The money-back guarantee does not apply on domain names ($15), themes ($69) and management credits that were successfully used, given the unique nature of their costs.

2. We can migrate your existing website to our cloud infrastructure, free of charge. This can take up to 5 working days.

3. We're doing our best to install all premium themes under 24h, taking in consideration working days.

1. Your satisfaction is our top priority and we're confident you'll be pleased with our services. Still, if you try us and decide your account does not sufficiently meet your needs, you can cancel within 30 days for a refund. Refunds are available for hosting services only. The money-back guarantee does not apply on domain names ($15), themes ($69) and management credits that were successfully used, given the unique nature of their costs.

2. We can migrate your existing website to our cloud infrastructure, free of charge. This can take up to 5 working days.

3. We're doing our best to install all premium themes under 24h, taking in consideration working days.

4. You can find all Premium Themes available here. Free themes can be found here